Chapter 11.

The nurse announces him… to his father... who looks incredibly aged… and still. / "White? No, Gray? " begins the father to list the names of his other children, confusing them. / "Nero." / "Nero, Violet's son?" / "No, Nero the son of Ochre, your first wife." / "Ah, Ochre, yes, Ochre." / "I came to visit you." … / "Nero, Nero. The idea of this name came from your mother Violet." / "No, my mother was Ochre." / "No, the son of Ochre is named White. I know it because the idea of that name was mine. How's Violet, how's she doing? " … / "But Violet is already dead before Ochre." / "Dead, Violet. When? And why no one warns me." / "Don't you remember? You came to both funerals." / "My funeral? When is it?. Why no one ever warns me about these things." / "Bruna, Bruna. Where is Bruna. Why doesn't Bruna come to see me?" / "I don't know, Pa', I never met Bruna." / "Eh, you no longer recognize your mother?" … / The nurse comes in. "Ah, how was the walk. We are preparing for breakfast. Your son is about to go... / "See you again White. I'm always glad to see you ... to see you ... say hello to your mother ... Violet, Bruna, Ochre… Siena …“ ... 

 Excerpt from chapter 11. of Mimmo Catania's novel "Four seconds of Nero“. (ISBN 9788856794083 Italian edition „Quattro secondi di Nero“)

Green and Day, 200 x 250 cm. Hit & Run, is Private Collection