For two Nightingales, two Blackbirds and a Dove

Sound sculpture by Stephan Hüsch Composition and improvisation by Stephan Hüsch and Ulrich Hackenbruch.

We can't really reinvent anything, so nature has often been used as a model to create works of art. But it is neither in a mere imitation relationship, nor is it easy to grasp beyond its materiality and mediality what constitutes the respective more. The hanging sound sculpture in the garden of the Sophienkirche, under which passers-by are invited to listen to a clarinet quintet for two nightingales, two blackbirds and a dove, explores our relationship to nature. Birds have been a recurring inspiration in music history; one inspiration for this work is Olivier Messiaen's Catalogue des oiseaux. This composition for clarinet is also initially based on real bird voices; likewise, the form of the sculpture is based on the amplitude of the respective bird call phrases. The multiple translations ultimately form the score for the sound sculpture and contribute to changing the interplay of our acoustic and visual perception. The work also draws attention to what is not (no longer) heard and focuses on the relationship between silence and sound. It creates an in-between space both spatially and acoustically.

The opening will take place on June 19, 2021 from 2pm in the church park of the Sophienkirche. The exhibition will be open from June 19 until the end of the summer.

Sophienkirche, Große Hamburger Str. 29-30 (or entrance Sophienstraße), 10115 Berlin