„Fall of Hell the damned“

Due to the current worldwide incredibly escalating situation of environment and society, designer Isabel Vollrath and photographer Patrick Walter initiated a cross-divisional campaign - merging fashion, photography and classical ballet. Inspired by Rubens‘ painting "Fall of Hell the Damned" (1620) their vision was to represent the „falling humanity“ - moving, dancing between heaven and hell - wearing pieces of the designer‘s archive. The result of the collaboration is a deeply emotional imagery, demonstrating the mortality of beauty and art.

with: Nadja Saidakova, Martin Buczko, Lia Kemendi

Rashmi Torres, Matheus Barboza, Pedro Libri, Giovanni Cancemi, Matteo Andrioli, Isabell Arnke, Patricia Radcke, Franziska Mölle (manager "Landesjugendballett")
